
UpgradeMore Community




Web Application Development

UX/UI Design

Admin Dashboard

Content Management System

Cyber Security Labs

Automated Certificate System


Content Marketing

Email Marketing


Our Client

UpgradeMore was a learning community where one can join a club of their choice, get mentorship from experts, have hands-on practice on virtual web-pen-testing, Linux, and DBMS labs, network with like-minded people, and explore various opportunities. It was our in-house project, and this community comes under Whizoid Studio now.

The Goal

The objective of the UpgradeMore team was to develop a specialised online application to update content from the admin dashboard, Content management system, and cyber security labs comprising DBMS, Pen-testing, and Linux laboratories. In addition, they required a certification system that generates certificates automatically based on the database and user input. They also require a website with a toggle between light and dark mode and a current user interface. And in the marketing realm, they need PPC advertisements for community expansion, content marketing to attract their target audience, and email marketing for the data they get for closure.

Our Approach

UpgradeMore desired to simplify their backend administration with the administration dashboard for content updates. Their team highlighted that the website's user interface should be contemporary and appropriate for their domain. We began the exploration phase to determine the user requirements for achieving these goals.  The objective is to do research, establish objectives, verify hypotheses, and specify needs in order to create a vision for developing the website and associated systems. We created the website's wireframe and the main charts for the backend system. In parallel, we began constructing cyber security labs. First, the Web Application's UI and backend were completed, followed by the administration dashboard and a weekly status call. In the same month, an automated certificate system was also built. In parallel, our marketing department was working on campaigns and content production, and their social platforms were prepared to launch their cyber-month event. Additionally, our PPC campaign began a few days before the event.


The UpgradeMore web application was successfully launched, allowing team members to readily edit the website's content via an admin dashboard and content management system. Compared to their prior website, user retention increased to 74%. Their team and users enjoyed the website's user-friendly content update process and automated certificate system. With cyber security labs, they have generated so much traction and user attention at their event. On the marketing side, content marketing engages users with the material and expands its reach. With our 20 days of PPC advertising, they have acquired over 700 new community members across all platforms in a single month. Plus than sixty percent of users engaged with our email marketing to be redirected to community URLs. We and their team were thrilled with the outcomes we obtained.